Hello my name is Jack and I like Runescape Private Servers. This is just another application to become some sort of staff member, anything to keep me interested in playing. As of now, I'm about to max all stats, and I have a lot of cool gear. So I believe I will get bored of this server in about two weeks or less.
I've been playing for a few days now, I believe four, and I know all sorts of information that resorts to the server and it's fellow players. I've been playing servers since 2009, so I know a lot about them and what they obtain. I've never hosted a never publicly, only because my modem doesn't support open ports.
I play for more then five hours a day. Just today I've been playing since 9:00 PM; almost 12 hours.
I've never cheated in any of the servers I've played, I've gotten a few people banned from it too.
I've been a Mod in two different servers, and an Admin in another.
I don't get mad, I get sarcastic.
More about me: My real name is Devin, I'm 16, and I have a terrible computer. I have a channel on Youtube; I'm an editor. I like cats, deal with it. I've very educated, I love Chemistry, and plan to be a famous Physicist. My quote; "I am the most honest person I know."
Hope you read this jumble of thoughts. I've been awake all night and probably will edit some of this later or never.